
Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Muffin Top Magic Week 7

Just as well Kate changed the name of this linky as I am posting on a Tuesday not a Monday! Its been one of those weeks that if I had been on a traditional diet I might have had a hissy fit as the scales once again weren't showing the results I want. So back to the trusty photos:

Great to see that since last week's photo (on right) things have once again tightened up. My top is reaching lower down my body. It's even more obvious on comparing the side view from 2 weeks ago:

The running is really paying off on sorting out my core! I just need to keep it up and keep listening to the Slimpod, Chillpod and Fitpod..


  1. Wow great results! I really a, considering a slimpod as I have heard great things x

  2. combining it with the fitpod to boost my activity is definitely trimming me!

  3. you're doing brilliantly, definitely ignore the scales ! xx

  4. A big difference in a week I think especially given the scales haven't changed. Must be encouraging to see the difference.


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