
Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Tasty Tuesday: Toad in the Hole

I posted a photo of Sunday's dinner on Facebook and it sparked a lively debate on the best ways to make toad in the hole. So I thought I would see what other folks think!

Being me I couldn't find the recipe I wanted to adapted the one I could find from a different book:



300 ml milk
2 eggs
4 1/2 serving spoons of plain flour (couldn't be bothered to weigh 4 1/2 ounces)


2 sausages per person
Oil for pan


  1. Heat the oven to 200 C
  2. Make the batter by chucking everything in food processor and blitzing (can be done in advance and left in the fridge)
  3. Brown the sausages
  4. Heat the oil in a metal roasting tin until its smoking hot
  5. Arrange the sausages in the pan and quickly pour the batter around them
  6. Put in the top of the oven for 30 minutes
  7. Serve with plenty of veggies and onion gravy

1 comment:

  1. Simple but so delicious. And I love the traditional English foods connection.


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