
Thursday, 29 January 2015

Reasons to be Cheerful: End of the Month #R2BC

My last week hosting until March. I will be handing you back to the care of Ojo's World for February. Thanks for joining in this month its been fabulous to see all your positive posts.  

1) Teaching

I am finally relaxing in my teaching practice with the younger ones. We have also had lots of fun with things like visiting birds of prey. Its fascinating to see how young children start to learn English and maths as well as wider subjects. I am doing such a variety of things including teaching singing so no two days are the same. I get to have a lot of fun too:

2) Running

My running is improving so much at the minute. I went out with a younger, fitter friend on Sunday in the pouring rain and broke my 1 km and 1 mile personal bests! It was nice to prove to myself that I can run fast I just need to keep it up. Here is my face when I realised what I had done:

3) Operation House

After a couple of hard work Saturdays things finally seem to be improving in our chaotic home! Even if its just an organised under sink cupboard in the kitchen and my daughter's room having a tidy bookcase:

That'll do for this week! I look forward to reading your posts..

Please join us and share your happiness and grab the badge if you would like it:

Reasons to be Cheerful 


  1. Ah I remember doing those charts when I was little; the colouring in was my favourite! That book case looks brilliant too, and well done on the running! Your running posts always make me want to get out there and start running again.

  2. its why I did geography at uni ;-) get out there in your trainers...

  3. its a rewarding if demanding profession if you don't enjoy it you will quit..

  4. Glad to see you enjoying the teaching, they say if you enjoy what you do, you'll never work a day in your life! I do love a tidy up, that definitely makes me smile x

  5. Looking for Blue Sky29 January 2015 at 21:18

    Tidying is a theme for me too this week! And well done on the PBs, great news x

  6. Adventures of a Novice Mum30 January 2015 at 02:28

    Your teacher training sounds like fun, mine was hard going (sec) almost a decade ago. You've just reminded me how much organising I need to do; it feels so good once it's done! Keep up the good work and thanks for hosting the linky.

  7. it has its down moments too but I am only putting the positive ones up ;-)

  8. Well done with the running! I am trying to get my post sprained ankle and post Xmas running mojo back.. I haven't even worked back up to 5k yet!! I also need an 'operation house' and I think I will also use the term 'operation house' (anything to make it feel more fun!)


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