
Monday, 13 October 2014

No Sew Bunting

My daughter asked me on Saturday afternoon to help make her some bunting for her school residential which she needed by today! Now I currently don't have a sewing machine and I've never made bunting so I had to think laterally...

We went into one of our local discount craft supply shops and picked up some ribbon and some squares of cloth for under £5. Once we got home I got my daughter to create a cardboard template for the shape she wanted the bunting to be. We then folded the cloth around the card a few times and cut out several triangles at time.

Once we had enough triangles I dug out the badge glue from the drawer and used it to stick the ribbon across the tops of the triangles in a repeating pattern. Then I put them outside to dry in the sun:

Not too bad an effort for an non crafty mum! To recreate you will need:

  • ribbon
  • fabric to cut to shape
  • cardboard template
  • fabric/badge glue
If I can do it anyone can!

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