
Monday, 15 September 2014

Why Do I Write?

I have been nominated by the lovely Lisa over at Twins, Tiaras and Tantrums who I met at Butlins last October! She has been passed some questions for me to answer and then to pass the baton on to some willing victims volunteers. So here I go...

1) Why do I write?

Back in the mists of time (well 2008) I started to blog as way of documenting my life and how I was trying to improve things. It became a good outlet when my marriage broke up and a way of seeking help. Since I moved to Cumbria 4 years ago it has had a much more positive spin as I try to focus on the good things in my life. Writing about them helps to maintain my positive mental state!

2) What am I working on?

Ironically having worked hard to get the blog to where it is the site is taking more of a back seat in my life. I have started training as a teacher and finding it hard to find time to blog or do anything worth blogging about. There will still be posts about adventures that we get up to in this stunning county but the commercial side of the blog will taper off. I am also keeping Reasons to be Cheerful going on alternate months with

3) How does my blog differ from others of its genre?

Now that is a hard question! I definitely have a Cumbrian focus which isn't too common in parenting blogs. Otherwise its not really got a single focus apart from trying to always be positive and help other parents realise that being a single parent isn't all bad news..

4) How does my writing process work?

I am not much of a forward planner so I tend to blog about what we have been getting up to that day/week/month. Being a keen, if amateur photographer, I am forever taking photos of our surroundings or activities. These are often the basis for my blogposts. 

Now I nominate Ghost Writer Mummy, Ojo's World and Midlife Singlemum. Look forward to seeing their posts next Monday!

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