
Saturday, 6 September 2014

#CountryKids Tree Climbing in the Park

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

We are so lucky in Kendal with our green spaces. One I often forget about is Noble's Rest as its not full of play equipment but its an open park with trees in. Today we had 45 minute to spare before welcoming the new vicar to church which gave us a chance to use the park. My daughter wasted no time in heading straight up the nearest tree:

I briefly had time to admire the formal features of the park before being allowed to sit on a bench with my latest library book:

It wasn't long before I was summoned to come and look at me in the tree mummy! My son had found an easier tree to climb and was soon joined by his big sister:

There were a limited number of climbable trees so after a while they got bored so we headed round the corner to get to church:

The building is a lot less impressive from the back:

It was a special service to formally license the new vicar and then a big tea party afterwards. We even had the Bishop of Carlisle there.

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