
Sunday, 28 September 2014



  1. Looking for Blue Sky28 September 2014 at 09:54

    Lots of moving to new schools must've been difficult, and you're right about being an inspiration: when I read your posts it encourages me to get out my running shoes x

  2. Primary age is a tough age to be different, especially moving to a different school. I love your children's advert for you! Can't get higher praise than that xx

  3. Gorgeous picture. What stunning colour rose. Love the hills behind too.

  4. I found school age alot more difficult than what I do now, keep up the running and good luck x

  5. Such a wonderful image. Nice sense of perspective.

  6. Coombe Mill (Fiona)28 September 2014 at 12:52

    That is such a lovely picture the rose is so beautiful,Clio popping by for Coombe Mill

  7. You are inspirational for sure, I think your kids sounds great haha I may ask mine! I'm glad you now accept your differences we wouldn't be us without them!xx

  8. Love the roses in the foreground. Great when you can get a set up like that.

  9. yes as an adult we can cope with things better! thank you

  10. had to stretch up with the iPad! rambling roses living up to their name..

  11. Beautiful flowers, I love the red. I am a flower killer unfortunately.

  12. I am the opposite very short, so know where you are coming from there. Isn't it great that we grow more comfortable in our own skin as we get older x

  13. Interesting set of questions and answers - thanks for sharing x

  14. Lisa - LeeLeeLoves3 October 2014 at 20:17

    Great post, I can definitely relate to this having moved schools a lot as a child and being a tomboy. I have changed for the better since haha. Xx

  15. Ah I know what is like to be different at school, when all you want is to be the same as everyone else. Well I did anyway! x


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