
Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Workout Wednesday out my my junior coach

As per usual in the holidays I find it hard to fit in exercise around the children. This week I made the most of only having one child at home to actually get out and run. My daughter elected to come on her scooter to accompany me:

As were about to set off it started to drizzle so she grabbed a rain coat but I was happy to just get wet, made a change from over heating! My daughter took on the role of coach and her offerings initially included:

  • a baby could run faster than you
  • you are sooooo slow

After I pointed out that such comments were counter productive she switched to a much more helpful mock commentary style. She did her best BBC impression of covering the Commonwealth Games and adding uplifting remarks. This was much more effective and I managed a non-stop run of 5.3 km which was way better than my Race for Life the weekend before!

It may not have been a record breaking run but I wasn't too much slower on each measured segment:

Now I just need to work out when to get in another run. I have to say that I did get a major workout doing Go Ape yesterday..


  1. Well, that looks absolutely incredible. You both did incredibly well.

  2. she was a lot less scared than me!

  3. rebecca beesley30 July 2014 at 21:29

    looks brilliant! My kids and hubby adore Go Ape! x

  4. scares me and excites me! I hate heights but love zip wires ;-)

  5. There is a brand new one of these near us and it looks SO high up! I reallyneed to be brave :D

  6. Stephanie Oakes1 August 2014 at 12:48

    I really really want to go and try Go Ape, although i'm slightly worried my new found fear of heights will take over! x

  7. WOW this looks great. I'm such a chicken i'd never be able to do this x

  8. I am petrified of heights but as you are clipped on all the time you can't fall off... I did freak once when flipped upside down on one part...

  9. I force myself to do these things for my kids!

  10. She is brave, I really want to try Go Ape out. I know at least one out of 5 children would love it.

  11. It looks like you had a fantastic time, I can't wait until mine are old enough and I can push myself out of my comfort zone and have a go too !

  12. you can do a junior version from 1m /age 3!

  13. Wow go you! To be honest I am looking at your photos and thinking, oh no, look how high they are!! How long til my boy wants me to take him up there and I'm too scared?! Haha! I have a few years to practice my bravery! X

  14. Elizabeth Townson1 August 2014 at 20:51

    Hee hee my fiancée did a Go Ape recently and his legs were shaking!!

  15. you can try the junior version with younger kids ;-)

  16. at times my daughter's were! I suspect mine were too...

  17. This course looks like so much fun! I would love to go through it!

  18. Ooh will certainly be looking into that, thank you :-)

  19. I so want to go to a Go Ape. It looks incredible...... *disappears to find nearest one* ......#CountryKids

  20. Coombe Mill (Fiona)2 August 2014 at 11:17

    Love the monkey selfies and well done - go girls! We did something similar in France and it was filled with a lot of heart in your throat moments. Thanks for linking up and sharing your experience and ' fun ' with Country Kids.

  21. Oh you are very brave - eek the highest one. I am worried about doing the Junior trail. Some great shots.

  22. I still a bruise from a heart in mouth moment! at times 18 m off the ground...

  23. Looks like a lot of fun indeedie! I cannot wait for my little ones to grow up so we can do Go Ape! :-) x

  24. What a happy day! This is something I really need to get sorted for my eldest- we have a few really close to us too! x x

  25. Wow! Good going! Love the photos and looks an incredible fun course. You and your daughter look so happy.


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