
Thursday, 10 April 2014

Reasons to be Cheerful Week 15 #R2BC

Ojos World

Doesn't time fly so that this linky speeds around! So many folks joining back in which is fabulous to see too. Glad they have rediscovered it via my co-host at Ojo's World Here are my reasons this week:

1) Time together as a family

We had a very laid back day last Saturday and we were all very chilled out. It bodes well for the next fortnight as we enjoy our much needed Easter holidays. Hopefully lots of cheeky grins like this one:

2) Spring flowers

The daffodils are really hitting their peak at the moment. This is just one of the many beauties outside my school:


3) After school playing in the park

As I finished before children yesterday I got to collect them at normal finish time and spend time in the village park whilst the sun shone:

Staveley recreation ground

4) Operation House

We did have a productive Sunday sorting out the house with my mum's help. She assisted my daughter in clearing her bedroom enough so that we can actually see the majority of the floor! I have also made small progress in getting things out of the kitchen back into the shed especially guinea pig things.. The guinea pigs seem to be enjoying life outside and we are working on getting them tamer:

hand feeding a guinea pig

5) School's Out

A chance to get and about and maybe sometimes have chocolate cake for lunch (well that was my son's idea of a good start to the break!):

chocolate cake from 2 sisters cafe

What is making you smile this week?


  1. Chocolate cake for lunch sounds lush!

  2. Looking for Blue Sky10 April 2014 at 22:19

    If my special girl thought their was a house where you could have chocolate cake for lunch, I think she'd move in :)

  3. Gosh your daughter is so like you, enjoy all that down time. Mich x

  4. That cake does look delicious! Lots of smiling this week for us, we love the holidays from school - as long as we forget about those niggly days... ;)

  5. Lovely chilled out days, lets hope the rest ofte Easter hols are the same for you xx


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