
Friday, 4 April 2014

#CountryKids at Kendal Festival of Food

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

For our second day at Kendal Festival of Food it was all about the children. They had wristbands for the family section and we headed there before anyone else. There were lots of activities to do starting with vegetable printing on bags with Felltarn Friends:

Felltarn Friends vegetable printing

So one bag for me and one for my mum! Next up my daughter had her face painted beautifully:

Flower face paint

After this my son spotted sushi making with Bento Bunny. They got to make scenes with various healthy ingredients:

sheep in a field of sushi
Sheep in a field of sushi by my daughter

My son decided to make Gollum from the Hobbit:

Gollum in sushi

There was also a chance to try out a rowing machine to see who was fastest. My daughter was 10 seconds faster than her little brother:

girl on rowing machine

The RSPB were encouraging children to make bird feeders:

making a bird feeder

My joined in what should have been a sausage making demo with the world record holder for the largest Cumberland sausage Gary McClure. Due to a mix up in ended up being cookie making with sausage makers:

Gary McClure demoing
Gary McClure demoing

We needed some fresh air so headed out into the market to find things we had missed on the Saturday. My daughter found the National Trust doing 50 things before 11 3/4 activities so she ticked another off with her fat ball making:

Making a fat ball for birds
Making a fat ball for birds

With granddad we watched Gary McClure demonstrating cooking local food. Of course my daughter got roped in to helping:

Handing round balsamic onion to sniff
Handing round balsamic onion to sniff

When the demo was over she had a go for the photography competition:

Post demo food
Post demo food

A walk to the park was then in order to burn off the food we had tried!

Kendal castle from Abbott Hall park
Kendal castle from Abbott Hall park

Eventually I dragged the children out of the park and back along the river to the town centre:

Miller Bridge, Kendal
Miller Bridge, Kendal

One of the things they love to do on this part of the river bank is to measure themselves against old flood levels:

Kendal historic flood levels as height measure
Kendal historic flood levels as height measure

Good job we weren't there in 1898! Back in town we were just in time to watch a circus show man put on his act. Yes his helmet is on fire:

Watching a circus show
Watching a circus show

At this point my phone battery died so I was unable to capture the wonderful meringue decorations we put on cup cakes with help from the Meringue Girls... Roll on Kendal Food Festival 2015!


  1. Merlinda Little5 April 2014 at 13:38

    I love the bridge picture and looks like it was a fun and busy day =) #countrykids

  2. wow you packed it in! it looks like you had a really interesting time xx

  3. Coombe Mill (Fiona)5 April 2014 at 16:39

    What a fantastic event - I am very jealous and would have tried out all the lovely activities on offer! Thanks for linking up and sharing your fun with Country Kids.

  4. Was bad for waistline and bank balance!

  5. That looks like so much fun! Love those sushi bentos, how clever #countrykids

    (, I can't sign in from my phone!)

  6. its looks like you had a great time! I love the face painting xx


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