
Saturday, 1 March 2014

Falling foul of the Facebook police

On Thursday I saw that I had a very unusual notification of Facebook. Apparently one of my posts had been reported as being pornographic! Of course I had to find out which one as I would never dream of doing such thing - especially with my mum and several older relatives on my friends list..

Turned out it was one were I had mentioned what my 7 year old son had said that morning about getting his body parts mixed up. Its been a running joke in our family since he was a toddler and just learning to speak. He at that age had decided that if his boy bits included a willy then his sister's girl bits must have one too. I decided that to save confusion I would tell him the proper name for that part of a girl's anatomy. He took great delight at 3 in his new word clitoris.

So on Thursday morning he was running around the landing telling us that he didn't have a willy but a clitoris. I decided that I would share this on Facebook as I thought it was a funny anecdote. What I didn't realise that my use of the correct anatomical term for that part of female anatomy would fall foul of Facebook's porn crawler! 

Funnily you can use the word willy as this is obviously far too English for an American corporation to be scared of ;-) So in honour of being marked as a pornographer here is a photograph of clitoria ternatea

So would you dare to use the word clitoris on Facebook?


  1. Haha Facebook can so stupid! They will try to censor innocent stuff and there's so much dodgy stuff just freely available. Oo er I keep looking at that flower now!

  2. seems vaguely familiar if not quite the right colour ;-)

  3. MidlifeSinglemum1 March 2014 at 20:26

    On a very cold day perhaps?

  4. if it was that cold i wouldn't be looking ;-)

  5. WifeMumStudentBum1 March 2014 at 22:29

    You said 'clitoris' *giggles :) x

  6. I know aren't I daring ;-) snigger

  7. Do you think it's an American/British thing? Or just that we're more comfortable talking about men's intimate body parts than women's?

    I follow your blog, but rarely comment. It probably looks a little odd that this is the post I choose to emerge from the shadows on!

  8. I think you are right I say willy quite happily but not so much clitoris or labia!

  9. Facebook is sometimes in a world of its own. I find it bizarre that you can buy a gun on there but not see a photo of a woman breastfeeding!

  10. The explorer's mum!7 March 2014 at 11:37

    Facebook can be ridiculous sometimes. They ban words for bodyparts but then allow people to post the most offensive things under the guise of "self-expression." It's just bizarre.

  11. You said the 'C' word! hehe. You lawbreaker you ; )

  12. I will never fathom how facebook works like that.... people can post pictures of heinous acts and blatantly sexualisation yet things like this or even breastfeeding pictures get deleted. It absolutely boggles me!

    Mama Undone |Tiaras & Prozac

  13. Technology eh? Facebook is a bit bonkers at the best of times, I wouldn't worry too much about it tbh

  14. Some people are proper cranks. That is a funny anecdote. There are worse "C" words you could have put on facebook instead of as you say an anatomically correct word. I was always told boys have a willy and girls have a moo lol. xx

  15. The Facebook rules are really messed up. I've been really offended and upset by a couple of posts on FB this week, and that doesn't happen often, I really think using a medically correct word should be the least of their problems.

  16. Colette Burgess7 March 2014 at 23:02

    Oh my goodness! How dare you use the proper word for something!

  17. Susan Styles You11 March 2014 at 17:56

    How ridiculous that the word clitoris is pornographic! Oops did I just write clitoris?

  18. Brilliant response to a nonsensical corporation. But they allow pages who call children like my daughter potatoes.


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