
Friday, 21 March 2014

Butlins Tots (High) Chairman

Plymouth tot named the UK’s first (High)Chairman 

Butlins hires Sophia Jade Carr as ‘(High)Chairman’ to join board of directors as short break tester:

A mini Lord Sugar was unveiled in Plymouth - three-year-old Sophia Jade Carr - who will become (High)Chairman of Butlins taking on the best ever job for a tot.

Butlins, the UK company which has been adding sparkle to family breaks for over 75 years, has recruited Miss Carr to join its team, responsible for road-testing the ‘Just for Tots’ breaks.

Butlins are keen to ensure the long-term success of the breaks, with 70% of guests already booked on to the 4-night term time breaks who have never been to any of the three Butlins resorts before.

Miss Carr beat off stiff competition as over 650 would-be board members applied for the dream job as short break tester, exclusively available to under fives. As the successful candidate, Miss Carr will be taken from ‘bored to board’, as she joins the Butlins management team, sitting alongside MD Dermot King.

Launching this April, Just for Tots are little breaks with big adventures, where everything from the accommodation and food right through to the entertainment and activities have been designed solely with younger children in mind.

Miss Carr will be accountable for working up a number of recommendations for the breaks based on her experience, which will be implemented across all breaks moving forward to ensure these are curated by tots, for tots.

The (High)Chairman will hit the ground running in her role, set to put star acts such as Thomas & Friends™ and Angelina Ballerina™ through their paces, whilst trying out Annabel Karmel’s new range of tot-friendly dishes.

Miss Carr will also be closely monitoring a number of key operations and putting them through a vigorous testing process that includes:

· Bounciness of the beds

· Cuddliness of the characters

· Splashiness of the water

· Slipperiness of the slides

Chosen due to her leadership skills amongst her peers, often being described as 'demanding' and 'strong-willed' by co-workers (parents), Miss Carr’s résumé showcased her impressive capability to be both professional and fun. Miss Carr has the ability to laugh every minute and giggle endlessly, which will stand her in good stead when reviewing Butlins star acts.

Further evidence that Miss Carr is the perfect candidate is her extensive experience within the hospitality industry, having first-hand knowledge of the UK’s top attractions.

Of the new vacancy, Butlins MD Dermot King said: “We can’t wait for Sophia to join the team and shape the future of our Just for Tots breaks. Miss Carr has a skill set that will enable her to review and shape the future of our breaks with her ability to multi-task. We are sure that Miss Carr will add a different dimension to the board of directors and have a key role in creating our Just for Tots breaks.”

Miss Carr’s PA-rent Samantha added: “We are thrilled with our daughter’s new role – we’re very proud she beat over 650 applicants! Sophia has definite leadership skills, often dictating to us as a family exactly what to do and when we do it.

“She also has a wealth of experience in the tot’s market, with two years of nursery and pre-school education, where she played a key role in playtime and story telling. We have no doubt that Sophia will go on to deliver strong results for Butlins from day one, looking at the Just for Tots breaks from a kid’s point of view – and I have no doubt she will tell it exactly like it is to Dermot and the team!”

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