
Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Workout Wednesday February 26th with added #TeamHonk

School holidays always stop me running regularly so half term I did nothing. I need a folding treadmill at home to keep it up! 

So on Monday I donned the lycra and went out on my short Kendal loop. It was hard work as my fitness levels have slipped right back. Not sure how much I ran but far from all of it! There was a surprise 3rd fastest time along the river behind County Hall which was nice.

Today I went out again despite the drizzle in the hope I would do better. It wasn't very nice running into a wet head wind along the river... and it got so wet I was soaked through my waterproof top and had to take off my specs!

Still seeing split times coming in varying from near my best 6.27 mins/km to a max of 7.08 mins/km was reassuring. Yes I still failed to run non stop but I shaved 46 seconds off Monday's time and came close to beating some personal bests:

So I really hope my fitness is back before our Team Honk leg on March 15th. I will need a boost through some sponsorship pretty please! On the day if you want to support us be at Kendal Castle at 9:30 AM as we prepare to run down to St George's church..

Team Honk 2014 blogger Relay

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