
Friday, 14 February 2014

#3Dates3Mths Valentine's Day Update

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Well its been just about 3 weeks since I signed up for the Just Singles 3 Dates in 3 Months Challenge and with it being Valentines Day I thought I was due for an update! I have been trying out the Just Singles web site for the last couple of weeks.

Its a challenge in itself to set up a profile that will attract the right sort of attention! That is to come across looking and sounding my best without appearing desperate or coming across as tarty... oh and being honest...

So I settled on describing myself as voluptuous as it sounds better than large! Also being not far off 5 ft 9 I went for the upper height as I am definitely more that way than 5 ft 5. Choosing a photograph was tough as I hate many of the photos of me so finding one that I liked was hard work. In the end I went for this one:

It does make me look extra sporty! I just need to work on getting a full length flattering shot..

So what is the choice like of available single males? What's great is that you can filter your search by all sorts of factors:
  • height
  • distance away
  • smoker
  • drinker
  • marital status
  • kids
So you only see the people that you are interested in. You can also block messages coming in from people outside your chosen criteria - so in may case that's no to smokers and blokes a lot shorter than me or ones living too far away..

It's interesting looking at people's profile pics and extra photos. You get an instant impression on some who seem to only include pics with them holding a pint or posing in a sports car (is it really theirs?). If you like the look of someone and what they have said about themselves then you can send a wink or a private message... then wait to see what happens!

I've had a couple of contrasting experiences so far. The first was a bloke who misinterpreted me trying to be nice, swore at me, blocked me, then unblocked me and gave me his mobile number. That gave me a chance to block him in return! 

Then the much nicer guy who chatted back and forth for a while before suggesting meeting for coffee. He didn't know what I meant by voluptuous and I'm not sure he liked my definition of size 14-16.. I have to dig out a photo to show him so maybe this one:

So no date confirmed yet but its been interesting so far...

If you fancy trying out Single Parent dating then I am now an affiliate so you can follow this link. Or for general dating there is the main site...


  1. Very interesting challenge, and you look great! x

  2. The explorer's mum!14 February 2014 at 19:12

    Great pictures. Have fun!

  3. You look fab Becky, good luck with it all!

  4. Just perfect. Its a good size to fit in the fridge. Hope you get some more snow. #CountryKids

  5. Coombe Mill (Fiona)15 February 2014 at 00:09

    I think we could have matched him with a "hailman" we have had such massive hail storms! Always exciting to see that first dusting of snow. I hope we have some before the winter is out. Thanks for sharing

  6. its all washed away here except on mountains... I am sure it will return...

  7. How amazing to see some snow - that's a sweet little snowman too! I hope you're all keeping warm. We've seen nothing of the white stuff in Surrey, was hoping we would now POD is 3 and able to appreciate it. It's super scary tonight with all the wind whistling down the chimney, give me snow any day :)

  8. Fun mini snowman! We've had so much snow over here in the US that I can't wait for it all to melt although I have to admit the kids are enjoying it. #countrykids

  9. Rosie @Eco-Gites of Lenault15 February 2014 at 08:42

    That is one gorgeous snowman - is he still with us?

  10. Seriously cute snowman regardless of size!! We had a sprinkling of snow but nothing settled... I'm sure there will be plenty more soon xx

  11. Vaichin@RamblingThroughParenth15 February 2014 at 11:33

    That is the cutest snowman I have ever seen :-) Does he look a little bit like a snow duck perhaps?x

  12. yes this was nothing compared to yours!

  13. Sara (@mumturnedmom)15 February 2014 at 12:57

    That is the cutest little snowman! Glad you had a little bit of snow :)

  14. Yay baby smiles are the best ;0) All great reasons though. Here's to another good week

  15. Ah, lovely... I adore that smile! Well done on the running :-)

    xx Jazzy

  16. What a cute little snowman! #CountryKids

  17. What a dainty little snow fellow :)

  18. I want snow! I love his little legs :-)

  19. we want more! totally impractical legs ;-)

  20. That snowman is co cute! #countrykids

  21. Cilla is very excited ;) x


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