
Friday, 10 January 2014

Time for a change?

One of the big problems about being a lone parent with younger children is that finding work that fits into their requirements and needs isn't always easy. Having moved to Cumbria to be nearer family I discovered that most of the jobs advertised where completely unsuitable as in retail, tourism and care work they all want flexibility with evening and weekend work. If you haven't got access to childcare at these times then these jobs are a no go.

It just about leaves working in the education sector with mostly term time only hours. Most of these vacancies such as teaching assistants or school admin have an awful lot of applicants as there are many mums (mostly) seeking family friendly work. I was very lucky a couple of years ago to be successful in getting a job in a local secondary school even if its only 20 hours a week.

Whilst I get plenty of job satisfaction working with young people I am not earning enough to get us off needing top ups in the form of Housing Benefit etc. It does also worry me what will happen to me as my children get older if I am not earning a decent salary. Also I am not using much of the skills I spent 4 years acquiring at university...

In the past I had contemplated training as a teacher but this was a logisitical impossibility as the courses were all too far away to juggle children's childcare etc. However the school I work at is going to be offering Schools Direct training from this September. It will all be based in my local town or close by so its doable.

So I have bitten the bullet and spoken to the co-ordinator who told me I needed to get some in class experience at both keystage 1 and keystage 2 before I can apply. With a short time frame I spoke to my children's school. They have agreed that I can spend time in class from next week for rest of the half term! 

I will be 44 this October so still have time to start a new career (especially if government keep raising state pension age!). So a new year and change of direction? Obviously the course wouldn't start until September but I need to apply and hopefully get an interview. Then if successful I would need to apply for funding... apparently there is extra help for lone parents but its a big leap to leave a job and take this chance!

Watch this space...

Mint Fest 2013
This is how scared I feel!


  1. Eeee I love pintrest lol :) x

  2. You will do brilliantly, and I don't think that you are ever too old for a career change, and also you're not old!

  3. thanks Pippa! both grannies lived to 95+ so I'm not even middle aged yet ;-)

  4. Totally. Funnily enough I use it more on my phone than on my laptop - easy to browse while feeding Amy and so forth ;) x

  5. I'm still a bit of a novice at it. Then again I'm also a bit poop at Twitter! Might need to look in Dr Who Monopoly xx

  6. Oh man- is this something I need to get on to as well???! I won't have time for real life!

  7. all the best for it- sounds exciting! xxx

  8. I think that's absolutely brilliant! Good luck with it, and let us know how you get on. xx

  9. Although only knowing you through blogging, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind, you can do this!!
    Good for you for realising your dreams and J look forward to reading about it (if you have time!) xx

  10. MidlifeSinglemum11 January 2014 at 19:24

    Excellent news. Go for it! I'm looking forward to hearing about it as you progress. My sister, after 13 years in HR, went to do an MA in computer programming. By the time she'd finished this the dot com bubble has burst so she spent another 5 years in HR working part time around the children. Then, at the age of 40 she did a PGCE taking one year and had taught in primary school for the past 7 years. It's never too late to retrain. Good luck.

  11. I'm obsessed with Pinterest x

  12. I spend far too long on both! the monopoly was online can't remember where!

  13. don't do it step away from the keboard!


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