
Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Workout Wednesday Week 3

It's been a real mix running wise this week. Friday I was on a tight time frame so nipped out for a quick 5 km run. Turned out to be my fastest run yet from Parkside Rd to the tip and at that point my 3rd fastest 5km. Really good for boosting my confidence and I was better at keeping a steady pace.

I then went out on Monday and wasn't as happy on my run and eased off a few times when I had a few niggles. I still managed a good section along the old canal path but wasn't too happy overall..

So day was my last training run before Saturday. It was a beautiful if cold day and perfect for running. It felt good being out there (even if I got overtaken by a much younger runner..). I managed to complete the 40 minute non stop run from the programme though the second 10 minute section after a 2 minute walk was tougher - hoping on the race day the adrenaline can override the lactic acid! It was good to have my 3rd ever 5 km under 32 minutes - just need to work on getting under 30.

So here are my Strava achievements this week:

Let's just hope it all translates into a credible performance on Saturday...

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