
Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Getting ready for Bonfire Night with Princes Hot Dogs

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In advance of Bonfire Night we were sent plenty of hot dogs by Princes and some recipe ideas to try out:

Princes hot dogs

Now I am afraid to say that as interesting as the recipes looked my children are of simple tastes so we haven't yet tried any of them. I must see if I can find some grown ups to be more inventive with.. So here are the variations we have managed to enjoy so far:

Princes hot dogs and corn on cob
Daughter's choice simple jumbo hot dogs with corn on the cob

Princes hot dogs and baked beans
Son's option of hot dogs and baked beans

Princes hot dogs with corn on the cob and baked beans
Mummy option hot dogs, baked beans and corn on the cob!

Of course for standing watching the fireworks you need something much more portable and my children both like theirs just with tomato ketchup (has to go on top of the hot dogs and not underneath):

Simply jumbo hot dogs and tomato ketchup
Simply jumbo hot dogs and tomato ketchup

As I was in a hurry I didn't fancy rustling up hot onions to go on mine. So whilst looking in the fridge I spotted the onion relish. Bingo: 

Princes hot dogs and onion relish

I have to say it was a very tasty combination.

Now we still have 2 cans of hot dogs to experiment with in time for November 5th. If you have any great recipes then please let me know!

1 comment:

  1. ummmm, hotdogs! I do love a good hotdog. and they are so cheap too :)


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