
Thursday, 19 September 2013

Reasons to be Cheerful week 38 #R2BC

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

Well we are now well back into the routine of back to school and have a lot to be cheerful about this week:

1) Torchlight Carnival

This made a great return to Kendal on Friday after being cancelled last year due to lack of funds and volunteers. It was back on the streets with plenty of local groups taking part:

It was a lovely family event with lots of people smiling and cheering - oh and we donated lots of money to local charities too!

2) Blog Summit

As I posted on Monday I had a lovely day at Blog Summit Manchester. Plenty of reasons to smile there and not just because of the yummy afternoon tea: 

3) My Fitness and Diet

I seem to be getting back into shape and running further and faster:

I have even run faster than any previous bests on some parts of my Kendal route:

All of this is helping my endless battle to lose weight and 1.5 pounds has come off so I'm nearly back to what I was before the school holidays! I have signed up to Go Sober for October so hopefully abstaining from alcohol for 31 days should help lots. If you want to join my team then please go here or just make a donation as I will be sober on my birthday..

4) My children

Sometimes they drive me mental and then they do something like this:

My daughter has received a head teacher's award this week for her writing which is always a good reason to smile! Little brother was asked to show the rest of his swimming class his front crawl legs as he was doing it so well. Great that each of them has something to be proud of this week.


  1. That is a stunning picture of your children. Those moments show us we are doing something right as parents xx

  2. I agree with Jo that photo is absolutely beautiful, I had to stop and salivate at the afternoon tea one for a moment or two! Sounds like a great week all round :-D

  3. Love pic of your kids it was a beautiful moment to capture. The carnival sounds awesome. Here's to another wonderful week.

  4. Nicola - The Road Outside20 September 2013 at 18:34

    It's lovely when the children get praised at school - especially if they both are. I'm sure they were chuffed!

  5. They were! Glad to get confidence boost


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