
Thursday, 5 September 2013

Reasons to be Cheerful New School Year #R2BC

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

It's been back to work and school here this week which in some ways is a reason to be cheerful! 

1) Back to routine

As much as I love the fact that during the holidays we don't often have to get up and out in the morning I do get confused as to what day of the week we are on! It's nice to be back to routine so I know where I am.. Yes I am now a slave to the alarm clock again and have to drag kids out of bed but at least I know what day it is. I also have time to try and get back in to my running again. I've lost some fitness over the break but hopefully it won't take long to come back...

2) Family fun

We had a fab weekend at Minfest which brought many a smile to our faces with acts like these:

3) Operation House

Still more little steps being taken and son's room still looking tidy! There is now a desk for children to do homework in our partly sorted front room and my sofa looking cosy:

We had a big clear out over the weekend and kids' made themselves money by letting gramps and I flog their surplus toys:

Here's hoping the rest of this half term goes as well!


  1. I feel exactly the same about 'back to school' I miss the boys but enjoy having the routine back.

  2. Wow! You certainly had a lot of surplus to flog, that's for sure. Hope you did well with it. Will you just donate the left over stuff to charity shops. Bet you are glad of the room that has created!

  3. 2 boxes toys to Scope and box of books to Oxfam! I review toys on here so we have far too many!

  4. That looks like a really good sale. I hope you made lots!! I reeeeeally need an Operation House too. Just clearing my laundry would be good!

  5. Ohh I love a good car boot, not done one for ages! Mich x


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