
Thursday, 29 August 2013

Reasons to be Cheerful Week 35 #R2BC

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

It's amazing how time flies and this is the last R2BC of the summer holidays! Still plenty to be cheerful about even if I am back at work on Monday...

1) Family

We have had family staying up in Kendal for the bank holiday weekend. We only see them about once a year due to the distance and everyone's commitments but my children and I have loved spending time with them:

We have had lots of fun with them including a trip to Sizergh Castle:

And one to Cartmel Races as well as just spending time with them! Hope its not so long until we see them again.

2) Summer

Its been a really nice week weather wise until today. We have had so much sunshine that the sun tan cream has had to come out again:

3) Operation House

So its not been major improvements but I can see a difference in certain key spots:
  • The laundry backlog has finally been tackled so there aren't baskets of clothes all over my room. 
  • I have re-organised and reduced the contents of the airing cupboard so its easy to use
  • The downstairs bathroom has had all the stuff my kids' had dumped in there removed so its now presentable
  • I have dug out the kitchen table from underneath all the various craft projects and clutter that seem to migrate there so we can all sit and eat in comfort again
Now I just need that car boot sale to get shot of all the stuff we have decluttered from each room so far..


  1. Spending time with family is a great reason to be cheerful, I'm glad you have enjoyed some fun times x

  2. Great to have time with the family... and to get organised. Can you come do mine next? Pretty please?

  3. we are lucky to have such a lovely family :-)

  4. sorry still too much to do here ;-)

  5. Nice to have the family to stay and maybe you need to do the carboot while the weather is still decent.

  6. I cheated, I got a company called laundry box to do my washing and drying. Then paid a friend to do my ironing. Shameful behavior, well done on tackling the clean up yourself xx

  7. before kids I could afford to pay someone else to do my ironing ;-)

  8. yeay for operation house! I love a sort out! I just went to the Lake District at the beginning of the month and we were going to do some den building at Sizergh castle but missed it! Looks great ;)

  9. we have done the den building great fun!

  10. Wish I had the energy for a car boot sale, there's loads here I could take! Good job you :)

  11. The bit on the house made me smile - recognise a lot of this stuff. Lovely photos and that first one is so very special @kateonthinice

  12. I sooooo need to sort out all my laundry still. Our spare room looks like it got burgled! Lovely when family comes to stay and you have a brilliant catch up!

  13. I have the clutter in my room and I can't even blame kids! Well it's my ebay pile, and a lot of it is stuff Kiki's grown out off (clothes, baby related bobbins), I just can't find the time to sit, sort, photograph, and post it all. I considered a car boot, but we'd need to factor in hiring a car too :-(
    Well done on getting it all done though.
    The castle looks beautiful, glad you were able to spend some family time.


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