
Saturday, 17 August 2013

App Review: Savio Mingoville Fun Clock

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I was asked if my children would like to try out Savio's Mingoville Fun Clock app for the iPad. As my son has been learning to tell the time at school I thought it would be a good thing to have. It has different games to help children learn how to tell the time:

The flamingo station master (my daughter didn't like his American accent) sets the challenges such as putting the numbers back on the clock in the correct position:

In each section the number of correct and incorrect attempts is recorded with green or red lights on the right hand side of the screen:

My 6 year old loves the games and had to be prised off the app the first few times he played it. He need a little help the first time he played as he rushed in without listening to the instructions and then got cross when it didn't work! Once he got the hang of it though he was pretty adept at it.

I like the fact that its a practical time teaching tool as its used for things like saying what time a bus will arrive. The animations are very well done too. I think this would make a great addition to the educational apps on your iPad or Android device and its reasonably priced too.

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