
Monday, 1 July 2013

Toy Review: Schleich Knights

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When I was offered the chance to review the new range of Schleich Knights I knew they would be a big hit with my children! They were in a huge hurry to get them out of the packaging and have a play:

We were sent 6 different knights and each one has a different weapon and costume. As usual with Schleich its the little details that the grown ups love whilst the children are happy with the fact that they can properly play with them without worrying about them breaking!

The series is based on having Dragon knights and Griffin knights so there are no clear bad guys and good guys. Each has a distinct livery so that you can easily have a fight between knights of opposing forces:

As you can see each knight stands up on its own as the figures are well designed to balance or have an extra bit of ground cleverly attached to their foot to keep them upright. This makes it easy to set up your battle scene and you can have your archers and crossbow men all lined up:

As you can see the details going in the characters is pretty impressive and they look properly battle hardened! The favourite characters for my children were the knights on horseback:

Again the horses are perfectly balanced to stand up and the knights sit quite firmly in the saddles. The knights can be dismounted too:

My children have certainly given these the thumbs up being big knights fans. I think they are really good quality toys that we should get many years of play out of and are great to look at too. With prices from just under £5 to around £20 for a dragon rider (don't tell my children about dragons!) they are good value too.

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