
Saturday, 25 May 2013

A sunny Saturday

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Hurray for sunshine for first time since Tuesday! We had a few chores to catch up on but at lunch time we did a few bits in the garden whilst the sun shone. Getting rid of some dandelions but not a lot made a start on the wild borders!

Then we dug out our scooters and headed to the river. Not been out on mine for a bit but going down hill was fab (did get jeered by the teenagers at skate park over the river though!). It's lovely along the banks of the Kent for a family to travel:

As a bonus in the distance we could see the kite festival at Kendal Castle (must get up closer tomorrow!):

We grabbed a take out McDonalds and I nipped to the library before whizzing down to our local cinema at the Brewery Arts Centre to watch Epic. This is a good eco film as its about preserving the forest! As we had missed a lot of lovely weather watching the film when we came out we made the most of soaking up some sun in the beer garden:

We scooted back home and the children then indulged in a water fight with the neighbours' children! Think we made the most of the sun whilst it lasted..


  1. You have no idea how jealous all these sunny pictures are making me! Looks like a fabulous day out! :)

  2. sabrina montagnoli26 May 2013 at 15:41

    Lovely sunshine! What great views by the river.

  3. Dragonsflypoppy26 May 2013 at 17:00

    Hooray for scooters & sunshine!xx #CountryKids


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