
Wednesday, 10 April 2013

#CountryKids In the garden with the children

I have to admit I've never ever been green fingered. So it's just well our little house has a little garden! The problem we have though is that we are on the flood plain so the garden is often waterlogged so we can't get in to do any gardening.. Of course with all last year's wet weather I really didn't do much after the spring when we put in some wild flower seeds and tried some little bedding plants.

My children decided this week that our garden was a bit boring so we stocked up on some cheap bulbs and seeds plus little bits of gardening gear. Last night my daughter potted up some seeds to grow on the window sill in little pots. These included some sunflowers and another plant (though she threw the packet away so it will be a surprise!).

Today she and I went out into the garden to do some more planting. First of all she used some plastic planters we had bought to but some bulbs at the front of the house:

Meanwhile I did some long overdue pruning of the honeysuckle that has been taking over a corner of the garden:

It's amazing how much space chopping it back freed up. Just hope I haven't killed it off! My daughter joined me in the back garden for some half hearted weeding and tidying up of one section of the border:

She eventually decided that it was ready for some bulbs:

Little brother was a lot less keen on helping out. He was eventually persuaded to scatter some wildflower seeds on the section of border I'd weeded and then to cover them with compost:

We also created a new little flower bed behind the new shed which has wildflower seeds on it too:

So just little steps into making the garden look nicer and let's hope that a) we don't get quite so much rain this year b) our seeds and bulbs come up trumps! We still have some giant sunflower seeds to plant out but that will have to wait for the next nice day..

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. I love pruning and it makes things so much i tidier too .. bonus ! x

  2. it does! though spotted next door'd cat enjoying space under bush so need to sort that out..

  3. We need to get into the garden and start weeding before they take full effect, just needs to stop pouring down first. Lovely photos, nice to see them not in thick coats all dressed up for Winter. Nipping over from Country Kids linky.

  4. Spring has vanished again here so glad we did what we did, shame I did 't have time to mow lawn..


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