
Saturday, 20 April 2013

#CountryKids tree climbing woes!

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Now I have no problem with my children climbing trees I just ask them to be sensible about it! My daughter has a habit of getting stuck by going too high so I encourage her not to go more than twice her body height up. At her age I was left suspended from a tree when a nail from an old tree house went through my clothing! It means that I am not confident about climbing up trees myself. 

This Tuesday we had another picnic tea in the park before Beavers and there is a huge pine tree in the corner which the children love to climb. It wasn't long after tea that my son came to tell me his sister was stuck! I went to see what the problem was and this was how I found her:

As you can see she had gone well above the height limit and she couldn't work out how to get down. It was way too far to jump down and there was no way I could get up there! Luckily the local football team was about to play a match and I had to ask a man in the crowd to come and rescue her:

He actually found it hard to get up there himself but he did manage to get her down. I am sure for a few weeks she won't go too high but it won't be long until she gets stuck again!


  1. I'm sure I've got all this to come! #CountryKids

  2. This is the kind of thing I'm not looking forward to when my ones get a little older! Poor lamb, lucky the football match was taking place close by!

  3. So far mine have always managed both ways, what a lovely chap to have gone up and rescued her, hard to stop them exploring and experimenting but good for them to understand the consequences of over stretching themselves too. A lovely post, so glad she was rescued safely, thank you for sharing on Country Kids.

  4. sabrina montagnoli21 April 2013 at 15:03

    Oh dear!

  5. yep she could have been stuck for hours ;-)


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