
Tuesday, 19 March 2013

#CountryKids River and Rocks

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Sometimes the best things in life truly are free! We can spend fortunes on toys and games but my children get so much pleasure just being down by the river tossing stones and rocks in the water. 

Tonight before Beavers they were having a whole lot of fun down at the River Kent on the recreation ground seeing who could make the biggest splash:

They would have carried on for much longer but a) I was cold and b) it was time for Beavers! Roll on warmer days when they can throw themselves in the water and not just rocks... and we can ditch the winter hats for sun hats:


  1. That is so true! We have been doing just the same this week and it will be part of my post this Saturday. We are lucky to have the river running through Coombe Mill with it's tributaries too and it makes for hours of fun for the children. Looks like your local river is very similar, it really doesn't take much to inspire children outdoors. Love the video and with you all the way on the hats! Thanks for linking up.

  2. cheap and cheerful entertainment!


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