
Thursday, 21 February 2013

Reasons to be Cheerful: week 8 #R2BC

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart
As Michelle is on a break the host for this is now Seasider in the City so please pop over to say hello! I missed last week as I was away but that takes me straight into my reasons to be cheerful this week:

1) Butlins

We had our first ever family holiday to Butlins after getting a great discount as our half term was earlier than everyone else's! Despite my son being ill for our entire trip we managed to have a great time. I haven't yet fully written up our stay but I did put together a YouTube video:

It was a fab break for primary aged children and it was bliss for me to not have to make breakfast or cook tea! Watch this space for more..

2) Sunshine

Since we got home we have had so much blue sky its been lovely, it really lifts my spirits to look out to see this:

It has also made for lovely sunsets so let's hope it hangs around for a while..

3) Parents' Evenings

Both my children had parents' evening this week. Always nerve wracking as a parent but it was good news. My daughter has jumped up in her maths after coasting last term and is in the top set of her class with the year above. Her creative writing is especially impressing her teacher who says she always does it differently to everyone else! Great to hear she is doing so well.

My son had impressed his new teacher last term and has done so again. His writing and literacy are improving quickly and his reading is well above expected levels. He scored really well in his numeracy although some areas he could have done better on. Just so glad he is carrying on doing well and long may it continue.

What is making you smile this week?


  1. Love that your parents evening went so well!! Yay for your children.

    We have a haven hol coming up, like yours, discounted as our term falls differently.

    Great reasons xx

  2. Glad you had a lovely holiday, and congratulations to your little ones (and you!)

  3. Lovely photo, it's amazing what a difference some sunshine makes! Well done on the kids success too


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