
Thursday, 20 December 2012

Reasons to be cheerful: week 51 ( #R2BC )

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

Hard to be cheerful when feeling ill but keeping my inspiration from Michelle let's focus on the positive! Last week was all about my big girl so this week it's my boy's turn. He is growing up so fast and at 6 he is starting to change to a big boy now.


1) The nice innkeeper

This year being in year 1 my son was selected to have a line in the infant nativity. He was so proud to be the nice innkeeper (big sis was the grumpy one 2 years ago!). I was on the front row so in prime position to see him deliver his line beautifully:



His shed sounds cosy with all those animals in it - surprised there was room for Mary and Joseph! Do you think a beard suits him:



2) Cheeky chappie


He is full of life and developing a really fun personality. This was him modelling his granny's silly tam o shanter:



3) Bright bunny


We discovered one of his school reading books from a month or so ago and when I compared it to his latest ones the improvement is amazing. He just loves reading and wants to read every day. Long may it continue!


His spelling is also moving on and since October he has managed to improve his score from 32 to 67 out of 100! Need to get his letters right way round but the they are in right order at least.


What's making you smile this week?



  1. Aww it sounds as though he is doing so well. Love how you zoomed in on his part hehe. He did great, very clear speaking :) x

  2. aaah bless you boys are adorable...I love the nativity plays too x

  3. Aww bless him, sounds like he is doing brilliantly at school xx

  4. hope you are feeling better soon. I liked the idea of being the 'nice' inn keeper and his lines were beautifully delivered - well done. xxx

  5. Aw you can almost hear your pride! Well done little man and merry Christmas to all xx


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