
Monday, 17 December 2012

Mattel Fun Times: Whac-a-mole Molehill Mania

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This is game my nephew has been given in the past and loved so I thought my children would enjoy. It's a game for 2 players aged 4+ so good for younger children.


The idea is to shoot the moles out of the molehill:



Then capture them inside the hammer:



There are 3 levels of game depending on the age of the children which have increasing levels of complexity to make the game more interesting. The moles come in two sets with an extra one of a different colour. This means that the top level of the game they can only whack their colour mole with the bonus on being the winning mole.

I have to say that my children had great fun whacking the moles but it did get rather wild! Here is a video of them playing:



If you can cope with loud and manic games then this is great fun. Not for the faint hearted though!


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