
Thursday, 27 December 2012

Christmas present

Well that's Christmas done for another year! Time to look and see which presents were the biggest hits this year...



It was a bit of a Lego fest here this Christmas both in stockings and under the tree. Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and Friends all made an appearance. Lots of excitement from children on seeing the contents and lots of fun for all 3 generations in building them:


I grew up with Lego and I never mind buying it for my children. It's such a versatile toy and it encourages dexterity as well as imaginative play.



My children have loved Playmobil for years. They still seem to find a few small sets in their stockings to add to their collection:


We will have to clear some space at home for a major Playmobil scene at home!



Both children had books from older cousins that they have spent plenty of time reading. They also have book tokens to spend in the shops. That will be hours of pleasure to look forward to.


What were your biggest successes this Christmas?


1 comment:

  1. I could definitely spend the rest of the holidays playing with lego, Playmobil and books. Good choices.


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