
Thursday, 22 November 2012

Reasons to be Cheerful: Thanksgiving ( #R2BC )

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

I may not be American but there is no reason to not celebrate the things I am thankful for whilst Michelle prepares to jet off with operation Christmas child!

1) My Health

Finally after nearly 3 weeks I feel like I'm almost 100% back to health again! I've been feeling really tired and run down and everything has got behind... Now I'm trying to catch up on the backlog of housework that didn't get done when I was ill... The house is slowly improving...

2) My Daughter

She has been so much less of a roller coaster girl this week. Maybe it's a sign she is growing up that she can control her emotions better. On our Santa Dash at the weekend she was so keen to do her bit that she ran off like a rocket! Maybe channelling her worries about her dad into fundraising for cancer charities is doing her good. She has also had some moments of being very helpful round the house..



3) My Son

He seems to be maturing at a faster rate since turning 6! Yes he still has tantrums sometimes and can lash out but these are happening less often. His love of reading is just growing and growing and he is reading books which are advanced for his age.



4) My Books

It's the time of year when I sell the most usborne books. I now have 4 bookings over next 3 weekends. So I'll be busy but hopefully I'll shift lots of my stock!


5) Future Plans

I can blame Michelle for pointing me in the direction of Butlins! I've now booked a bargain short break for early next year. This is something to look forward to after the New Year. Our family camping holiday to France in the summer is also booked. Nothing fancy but the first time my children will have been to one of the countries I love best - better renew my daughter's passport and refresh my French!




  1. Im glad you are feeling better x it so nice when the kids help out around the house and excellent news that your son loves to read..especally being so young...have a fab weekend x

  2. i am glad you are feeling much better, Butlins sounds fun so does the camping trip to France, it is so lovely when the kids help around the home.. have a lovely weekend weekend xx

  3. You have some great reasons to be cheerful there! And for a child to enjoy reading... that is a real gift.

  4. Great reasons to be cheerful, I'm pleased that you are back to full health x

  5. Fabulous reasons, especially your children :-) x


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