
Friday, 9 November 2012

Christmas Stress Busting Tips

Via my Facebook page I asked for people's ideas for reducing stress at Christmas time. As there are 45 days to go I thought I'd share some of their and my ideas here.

Advanced planning and action

I have been saving for Love2Shop vouchers with Park for a year. This means that I have a fixed budget but at a low monthly expenditure. My friend Julia has a savings account just for Christmas and puts by something each month. She also tries to get all her Christmas shopping etc done during November so that she can sit back and enjoy all the parties and activities that happen in November.

Claire uses vouchers from her supermarket shopping to buy Christmas gifts. Antoinette keeps track with a to do list.

Via twitter Julsey10 goes as far as cooking her Christmas dinner before 25th December. Her blogpost lays out how she does this. KerryNewham has a similar idea cook turkey first leave to rest then do veg. No stress with timings then. Oh and buy everything from marks

Avoid the hype and go homemade

Julsey10 also makes lots of homemade gifts which give a personal touch. Caroljs is another twitter chum who creates her own hampers with handmade chocolate lollies etc. Oldlefty47 believes that children should be encouraged to avoid demanding the stuff they've seen on the TV and think about others. So lots of crafting will be going on in their houses.

Caroljs also suggests doing as much as possible online to avoid the stress of the shops. Circusmum_ also says not to forget that it's not just one day and Boxing Day is important too so don't just get caught up in thoughts that everything has to be perfect for that 1 day.

Treat yourself

Some slightly more off beat suggestions were:

  • LauraAWNTYM: Extra gin supplies
  • s_manley88: Eat chocolate. Lots of it
  • pollycudby: port!
  • sew_mummy: don't invite the inlaws. Defo
  • CumbriaBEN: convert to atheism?
  • PaulHammond12: Ear plugs, a wee dram and a long settee to put you feet on :-)
  • Author Gill Jepson: leave the country?
What ideas could you add?

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