
Monday, 22 October 2012

Woollies of Mass Decoration

Last Sunday whilst driving along Kirkgate in Kendal I saw some strange sights on lampposts and other street furniture. They seemed to be bedecked in woolly items!

Yesterday I finally got a chance to get closer with my children tonsewnmore about what was going on. My children had do much fun spotting them as we went down the street. Guerrilla knitting seems to be spreading all over the world but its the first time we have seen any ourselves.

Some of the knitting had clues as to its origins:

he crafty people must have worked long and hard to do enough knitting to almost completely cover a lamppost:

Then we came across a campaign poster:

I am guessing that they are really passionate about wool! The most impressive piece was this tree blanket:

There were also a few sheep flying about:

It has certainly brought some fun and colour to the main road into Kendal. Some pieces have already vanished in less than a week - hope they went to good homes!

Wonder how many people will be inspired to knit by this display of craftsmanship? Have you seen any guerrilla knitting near you?


  1. Looks Fantastic,nope never seen anything like that around here but I have seen guerrilla gardening! I will keep my eye out for wollen items decorating our local area

  2. MidlifeSinglemum22 October 2012 at 18:58

    What fun!

  3. I've heard of that! Both happening more :-)


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