
Tuesday, 9 October 2012

This week's Toys R Us Toyologist Reviews

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We are having lots of fun trying out the latest batch of toys from Toys R Us. Here are the first couple!

Play-Doh Candy Cyclone

There was a great reaction on seeing this come out of the box! My children have loved Play-doh from and early age and are always keen to try new ways to play with it. You can tell I have them well trained as before playing with it my daughter spread newspaper on the floor. She found the toy very easy to start playing with and spent quite a long time creating play-doh candies.

There seemed to be a large number of different sweets you can make from gob stoppers to lollipop and various "boiled" sweets. They all look good enough to eat so you would have to be careful if there are children under 3 around!

Eventually my 5 year old also was allowed a turn though at this point the play-doh ended up ground into my rug.... He didn't have quite as much patience as his sister at making candy but he did seem to enjoy himself.

The kit is very colourful and seems like it would survive quite well from long term use. There are only 4 small pots of play-doh included and as you can see the colours quite easily get mixed up:

If your children are big fans of Play-doh then this makes a fun addition. It seems a lot easier to use than other Play-doh kits we have had in the past. You may well need to stock up on plenty more pots of Play-doh to keep your little candy makers in business!

Fur Real Bounce Around Puppy

The Fur Real puppy was my 8 year old's instant grab from this month's box it really is designed to appeal to girls with its face:

How could you resist those eyes! The puppy not only looks cute but has a little bouncy dance and puppy noises when you play with it:

After a short car journey holding the puppy which yipped at every bump in the road I did hear my daughter telling it to shut up! Once at home and with no jiggles it was a lot less annoying.

There is a trigger on the puppy's back for the sounds and a light sensor in its forehead for movement. When it senses someone approaching it jumps around! If nothing happens for a minute she yawns and goes to sleep (a useful feature.

The fur is nice and soft making the puppy lovely to cuddle which then of course triggers off the happy puppy noises. We liked the fact that the puppy reacts to attention from its owner. If the noises get to much she has an off button on her tummy.

I am sure lots of little girls would be delighted to get one of these puppies. This one has taken up residence in my daughter's bed!

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