
Thursday, 18 October 2012

Reasons to be Cheerful: Birthday Edition ( #R2BC )


Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart
It's wonderful that Michelle has come back from Ethiopia but has asked me to host whilst she promotes the campaign on her blog. I'm sure it will be back to normal next week! 

Meanwhile here are my birthday reasons to be cheerful:


1) My Birthday


Saturday was my birthday and thanks to my parents kindly having my children all day I got to spend it in Manchester at BlogCamp! I love my children dearly but to have an entire day to myself doing what I wanted was such a treat. The fact that it meant the company of some lovely friends from my twitter and blogging world was a bonus. Even more of a bonus was that it included cake and wine...


And I came back to a cake made by my mum and my daughter:

2) My daughter's birthday

On Sunday my daughter was 9. It is amazing how the time has flown by! She wanted to be grown up this year and as Sunday is no good for sleep overs I took her and 4 mates for a Pizza Express lunch then the cinema. I sat away from them to give a feeling of independence whilst still supervising. At times she looked so grown up:


It's definitely a week to be smiling about in our house! What is making you cheerful this week?



  1. Looking for Blue Sky18 October 2012 at 09:37

    Lots of lovely celebrations: great reasons to be cheerful :)

  2. Emma The Mini Mes and Me18 October 2012 at 09:48

    Cake and wine is a super combo! Looks like you both had great birthdays :) x

  3. Happy Birthday...Cake looks fab...

  4. YAY - Happy Birthday x great reasons... :))) x

  5. Hurray for birthdays, where does time go?

  6. Happy birthday to you both!! Blog camp sound good, no idea what it is, but I read Cake and Wine haha x

  7. Great reasons, happy birthday to u both, cake looks yummy xx

  8. Glad you and your daughter had lovley birthdays, time does indeed go by too fast! Thanks so much for hosting, Mich xx

  9. MidlifeSinglemum19 October 2012 at 19:34

    Happy Birthday! You look terrific in the photo with your friend. I like your hair longer.

  10. Not me it's notefromlapland and cheshire_claire :-)

  11. MidlifeSinglemum20 October 2012 at 17:26

    Woops - and I spent ages comparing the lady with the glasses (Lapland?) with your thumbnail. Sorry.


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