
Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Is it half term yet?

The excitement of being back at school is definitely wearing off in our house! It's a real struggle to get any of us up Monday to Friday (shame my kids wake early at the weekend!). Both children are working really hard in school and its making them grumpy and grotty at home.


My son is still dead keen on reading his books so he gets a new one each day. Sometimes he has to do this in the car on the way too and from school to fit it in! He is still eager to go into class each morning but year 1 is a lot tougher intellectually than reception so he needs to get his physical energy out after school. Swimming, jujitsu and football haven't burned it off though and he is finding being stuck indoors in the rain frustrating.


As for my daughter she has been a little devil in the mornings as I try to get her up and ready for school. Think her brain is in overdrive so she can't switch off at bedtime and so is short on sleep. She is following in my footsteps and reading in bed long after she is supposed to be asleep.. Just wish she would lie in at the weekend and catch up!


Myself I'm still trying to get to grips with my extra hours and longer commute. Everything I used to do on those mornings still needs doing but it's squeezed into 2 mornings and the brief gap between work and school run. Commitments I made for this blog with PRs before the extra job all need meeting and often have to wait until late in the evening. I'm also keeping up with my fitness campaign so that gets squashed in to. No wonder housework is even more behind than usual!


We still have another 4 1/2 weeks until half term to get through and I hope my energy lasts that long! I think I may need to book my kids into some play scheme for a couple of days just to catch up with the housework.. Just hoping that the extra money in the bank next pay day makes it all seem worth while.


Are you looking forward to the half term break yet?

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