
Thursday, 6 September 2012

Reasons to be Cheerful: Back to school edition #R2BC

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

This week the guest host is Tiger Tales so please go and visit her! It's hard to think of anything but back to school this week as that's at the forefront of my mind so here are my back to school Reasons to be Cheerful:

1) Routine

It is actually quite nice to have routines back in place after the school holidays. It will take time to adjust to them and there may be some tweaks but we all know what is happening each day and at what time. Yes getting up with an alarm seems horrid at the moment but I'm sure my body will adjust eventually...

2) New classes

It's so far so good after 1 day in their new classes. Both children like their new teachers and are happy to be back. My daughter starting off well by being über keen to read her new book The Twits and hopefully will Be better at doing homework this year. Apparently all my son did was play with Lego and have a Jesus story!

3) New me

Well I am sticking to the new gym and fitness routine. Since I joined on Friday I've been 3 times plus a few Wii Fit workouts and an aerobics class. Not made a difference to my weight but my body feels tauter already (it's a work in progress to not be flabby!). We have been challenged at our Rosemary Conley class to see September as the new January and to really get motivated. So I have 4 weeks to knuckle down and see the difference.

4) Family

I am so blessed having my parents around to enable me to work. I went back 4 days before the children so they have had to be looked after by granny and gramps. At least now school is back my parents can breathe a sigh of relief that they only now have a regular commitment of one night a week!

This weekend my brother in law and sister in law are coming to stay in Kendal. It's great to be able to see them and enjoy their company.


  1. Lots of lovely reasons. Getting back to a routine is quite nice, I will agree, and it's fab they are enjoying their new classes. Good luck with the weight loss, I'm on the same mission x

  2. Yay for back to school and getting back into a routine and your parents sound like a great help. Sounds like you're doing fab with your new weight loss/fitness plan, keep up the good work! x

  3. Fab resaons - good luck with the fitness routine!

  4. Great reasons, good luck with your fitness regime and I'm glad the children like their new teachers :)

  5. Hurrah for family and grandparents. They have been my saviour this week too.

  6. Certainly sounds like you had a lovely week and having the support that have from family it means that you and yours will have many happy days. Family support is amazing :0)

  7. I so need to follow your example and focus on me and get fit. Good luck to you Becky. Mich x

  8. its always a plus lets hope it lasts ;-)

  9. couldn't manage without my parents

  10. just waiting for it to show on the scales!


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