
Thursday, 19 July 2012

Reasons to be Cheerful: the H edition ( #R2BC )

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

Michelle has given an H prompt so here we go:

1) Holidays

My children broke up from school today and I finish tomorrow! We have so much planned including my daughter on a 2 day hike with granny, a trip to the Olympics and a week camping in Abersoch. In between hopefully we will be able to enjoy our wonderful county.

2) Home

I have a new decent size shed that comfortably takes all our bikes and outdoor bits! I never knew how thrilling such a thing could be having never had a new one before:

Thanks to my dad, landlady's dad and friend who built it this afternoon. Now I just have to work out the best way to put everything in...

3) Happy reading

Both my children had great school reports from their various topics and subjects. They are progressing nicely and hopefully will keep up the good work when they return to new classes in September. Their school has mixed age classes and both will be in the younger half of their's meaning 2 years with that teacher.

4) Having me time

As I am working tomorrow my parents have borrowed the children for the next 2 nights and I will be able to chill for the next 36 hours. Looking forward to going out both nights though not drinking as I'll have to drive... Seems a long time since I was child free :-)



  1. Hope you enjoy the athletics at the Olympics. I love your shed. It is great.

  2. I'm jealous, the olympics :) have fun, sounds like a great holiday period for you all, and Shed, awesome (age makes it so ;)... I want a new one :) xxx

  3. Sounds great. Me time, especially great.

  4. Nice shed! Me time is definitely something to be thankful for

  5. Shed is looking good! I won't go in mine though due to spiders lol.
    You should link up your me time with #MondayMe :) x

  6. Ooh enjoy the Olympics, how wonderful! Great reasons to be cheerful x


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