
Tuesday, 10 April 2012

TopThat Publishing: When I dream of 123 and Po-Tolo

Our family love getting envelopes from Top That Publishing with books in it to review. So it was great to get another couple to look at this month. This time both were aimed at my 5 year old son.

When I dream of 123 - Oakley Graham

This is a follow up to When I dream of ABC which we reviewed back in June last year. My son is soaking up learning in his Reception class so he immediately picked this up and attempted to read it himself. He could do the numbers and main titles but needed me to read the very amusing little piece on his number. For example:

Sea Horses

Sea horses like two things; swimming forwards and swimming backwards. Because they are rather small, they never get very far.

The illustrations are beautiful and my son enjoyed counting the items to make sure they book was correct. A lovely book for a pre-schooler or reception aged child to share with an adult. At the minute it is available from the publisher in hardback at £7.19 (RRP £7.99). We were sent the paperback version at £6.99. See if you can count all 100 stars...

Po-Tolo Plan Bee From Outer Space - Olly Oliver

A spaceman named Po-Tolo came to Earth one day. His world was in trouble and he was looking for help.

Po-Tolo comes to Earth and asks for bees to come back with him as all the bees on his planet have died so there are no longer any flowers. He has a little adventure whilst waiting for the Queen Bee to decide.

The illustrations in this are really bright and colourful which makes them attractive to the target audience of 3-5 year olds. A great way to introduce young children to basic ideas on conservation and protecting our environment. 

The back of the book has some interesting facts about bees and tips on how to encourage bees in your own garden at home or school. I enjoyed reading this book to my son and I hope it has taught him a bit about how important they are. 

On the publisher's site the book is currently on offer for £6.29 (RRP £6.99).

Both these books would make a lovely addition to a child's book shelf.

1 comment:

  1. The cover is so pretty

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