Thursday, 26 April 2012

Reasons to be Cheerful XXXVIII ( #R2BC )

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

Here are this week's reasons to smile!

1) Family

Its been one of those weeks that living close to my parents has been a God-send. They have covered emergency and regular baby sitting to enable me to get through my week without tearing my hair out! So glad I made the decision to move up here nearer to them - not sure they always think the same ;-)

2) Blipfoto

You may have read that this week I made it to 730 photos on my Blipfoto journal. I have been amazed at the comments I've received and Bilpfoto asked if I minded my details being passed to the local press... Amazing where an addiction to taking photos may lead...

3) Friends

I am really blessed with the new friends I have made up here. Great to have people to talk to and that are willing to help me out when I need them. My children seem be enjoying their new friends too.

4)  Blogging awards

 As part of the Sainsbury's Bank Bloggers network I am in the running for their Best Family Blogger Award. This is the first blogging award I have ever been in line for so I really would appreciate people voting for little old me!

There are lots of other people with Reasons to be Cheerful so please go and check them out:


  1. What a gorgeous photo! I'm not surprised the press are in touch x

  2. What a beautiful photo! Congratulations on having interest from the press and for your nomination. It's always nicer to be nearer your parents so they can help out and its always lovely to have good friends

  3. Smiling Like I Mean it27 April 2012 at 11:43

    Lovely photo, love the reflections in the water. good luck with blogger award!

  4. Congratulations on your nomination and interest from the media in your photography, that's wonderful! x


I love it when people leave a message