
Thursday, 5 April 2012

Reasons to be Cheerful XXXV ( #R2BC )

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

Another week and another set of reasons to smile!

1) Happy Birthday Granny!

My granny was 95 today!! The children and I visited her with a pile of birthday cards and mini birthday cake. Her main celebration is next week with all her sons, 3 daughters-in-law, 2 of her 7 grandchildren and 3 of her 8 grandchildren. Today it brought a smile to her face as we rolled up to see her. 

2) A Passion for Kendal

After all the months of planning and practising tomorrow is the big day! I have been running the social media for the project over at A Passion for Kendal and as a reward my children and I are playing silent roles as disciples. The town has already had banners put up on the streets and tonight we had our final rehearsal. Here's hoping the weather is as good tomorrow for the real thing:

3) Operation House

Following on from Monday's trip to Ikea I have successfully constructed all the flat pack furniture I bought for the kids' rooms. My son's bedroom is currently really tidy, my daughter's has work still to do! Here are the bits I built:

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to you granny. What a fantastic age to reach! I hope she enjoys her extra special birthday celebrations. Good luck with the Passion For Kendal, it sounds fab and I can't wait to hear all about it. The bedrooms looks great, well done mum for building them yourself, it's always nice to be able to look at them and say "I built that!" (even if it is flat packed LOL. Happy Easter to you all!


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