
Thursday, 29 March 2012

Reasons to be Cheerful XXXIV ( #R2BC )

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

Another week and another set of reasons to smile!

1) The weather

Shorts in March and paddling in the waters of Windermere because its so glorious how can that not fail to make me happy! It may not last long buts its given us plenty of time to be out of doors and making the most of where we live:

2) Family

We got to spend last Sunday afternoon as a four generation family as my granny came to lunch at my parents house. I love the way my daughter enjoys taking Great Granny for a walk in her wheelchair:

3) Work

I'm really enjoying my new job, it may be frantic at times but I'm working with some lovely people and we also manage to have a few laughs. The fact I got my first pay cheque for over 2 years helps me to feel good too - just have to remember that the money has to last a month...

4) Diet

After last week's disastrous weigh in (job playing havoc with my diet) I was dead chuffed to have lost 5 lbs this week (made me Slimmer of the Week!) by being a lot more organised and actually tracking my food on My Fitness Pal. This has helped keep me with the Rosemary Conley diet plan and still allowed me some wine at the weekend. This is my 3rd day on Diet Chef food packs so I'm hoping for another good loss next week.


  1. Nothing beats paddling in March to improve your mood! Well done with your weight loss and getting Slimmer of the Week

  2. Smiling Like I Mean it29 March 2012 at 22:12

    some lovely reasons (must make it down to the Lakes this year... used to go every Easter when we were kids). Can relate to the paycheque one too!

  3. the weather really has to be on everyones list. its just been fantastic!


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