
Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Easter Gifts from Find-Me-A-Gift

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The nice people at Find-Me-A-Gift have once again sent me some lovely gifts to review. This time they were for the children and not me. If you are looking for ways to entertain your children over the Easter break then maybe these could help.

Firstly for my 8 year old daughter we were sent the National Trust Perfume and Flower Pressing Kit. This is currently £12.99 on the site with a 21% discount on the RRP. My daughter was very keen to try this out especially as the sun was shining at the weekend. First of all she set off with her flower collecting kit to find things around our local area (under strict instructions not to take from gardens!) and brought them back to me.

We then followed the very clear instructions and laid out her choices of flowers in the blotting paper:

Once she was happy with the finished arrangement we assembled the press and I tightened up the velcro straps. Now she just has to be patient for at least a week (it recommends 2-3 for best result) to see the finished pressed flowers.

This kit has awakened my daughter's interest in flowers and she spent a large amount of the weekend asking her granny for flower names to write in the book that came in the kit. I am sure we will have many happy hours collecting flowers and creating things with the pressed ones. We haven't even had a chance to try out the perfume making bit yet. This will certainly give a lot of value for money as a gift.

My 5 year old son chose to get his first ever Hex Bug again these are discounted from their RRP of £10.99 to £7.99. 

We hadn't seen one of these in action before so we all enjoyed watching it scuttle around the room. It reacted to obstacles by turning and avoiding them. Hitting the ground behind it also made it turn. My son is quite young to understand the leave it alone and let it do its thing principal but he did enjoy putting obstacles in its way!

Unfortunately he was a wee bit rough with it and it currently only goes round on one set of legs! So a great gift but for a slightly older child or one who is more gentle with their toys.

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