
Saturday, 28 January 2012

Recipe for a fun Saturday

1) Bake cakes together

We used yesterday's easy recipe to make a total of 24 cakes. Half were iced and half turned into butterfly cakes.

2) A trip to town

The children took their bikes and I walked quickly along the river (spotting snowdrops and birds on the way) into the town centre and locked up the bikes near the library:

Once in town we chose some books from the library, bought a take away from McDonalds and walked along to visit my grandmother at the other end of town. Great to be able to easily visit her in her lovely new home. We came back via the bookshop and Argos as the children had some Christmas tokens and money left to spend.

3) Time with extended family

We took the majority of our baking efforts for an afternoon with some of our extended family. It's lovely having family so close by and extra special when others are up for the weekend so we can see them too. Lots of fun looking back at old family photos though there were some hideous ones of all of us (the 1980s is a decade fashion forgot!).

4) Earthflight

The evening ended with a family viewing of Earthflight. We all love these incredible BBC documentaries about birds. Such amazing footage and lots of fascinating facts.

What's your recipe for a perfect Saturday?

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