
Monday, 30 January 2012

Family Fun: Rag Doll

Welcome to week 1 of the Family Fun blog hop. For more details please read the launch page. In the words of a classic 1970s children's TV programme this is about switching off the television and doing something more useful instead!

In honour of the blog hop badge I'm going to tell you all about our rag doll Pocka Dot... This was an idea that my 8 year daughter came up with whilst off sick from school last week. It actually timed in nicely with the No Spend Craft Challenge too.

Materials Required:

  • Some surplus material (we used a too small vest)
  • stuffing (kapok etc.)
  • thread
  • buttons
  • beads

  1. double over the material so you have 2 layers and pin together right sides in
  2. draw a template on the material
  3. cut out the template
  4. separate the sides and decide which is the front
  5. stitch the buttons on for the face on the right side of the material
  6. sew a mouth as well
  7. with the right sides together sew the pieces together leaving a gap for stuffing
  8. turn the right way round and use a wooden spoon to make sure legs/ears/arms are completely out
  9. stuff with kapok or other stuffing using spoon to get it right in.
  10. stitch up gap
  11. make a necklace using thread and spare beads
There you go nice and simple! If you have a post you wish to share then please add it to the blog hop and then put the code on your own post. The launch page has a blog hop badge but I can't seem to get the code to work..

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