
Saturday, 3 December 2011

We need to talk: start a conversation to end domestic violence

Support Refuge and Avon’s 1in4women campaign

  • When?
On 25th November, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and over the 16 Days of Action that follow, culminating in Human Rights Day on 10th December
  • How?
By talking to someone new every day for 16 days about domestic violence and the information available at
  • Why?
To raise awareness of how shockingly prevalent domestic violence is, and to equip your friends, families and colleagues with the tools to help end violence against women

1in4women experience domestic violence

Everyone knows someone who has experienced, is experiencing, or will experience domestic violence – even if they don’t realise it. That’s whyRefuge believes it’s everyone’s responsibility to help end domestic violence. Our joint1in4women campaign with Avon empowers women to speak out domestic violence and reach out to a friend who may be suffering in silence. The website contains a wealth of information on how to spot the signs of domestic abuse and how to support a friend who may be suffering in silence.
This year, for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25th November and over the 16 days that follow, we’re asking our supporters to start a conversation to help end domestic violence.

“Did you know one woman in every four will experience domestic violence at some point in her life?”

By talking to someone new about domestic violence and the information available every day for 16 days, you’ll raise awareness of how shockingly prevalent domestic violence is and give your friends, family and colleagues the tools to spot the signs of domestic violence and support a friend who’s suffering in silence.

Pledge your support today

Help spread the word before the 25th November by updating your Facebook status:
We need to talk. One woman in every four will experience domestic violence. I’m helping Refuge and Avon end violence against women by talking to someone new about domestic violence and www.1in4women.comevery day for 16 days. Find out more:
Or by posting a couple of messages on Twitter:
#1in4women experience domestic violence. I’m helping @RefugeCharity end it by telling 16 people about #weneedtotalk
#weneedtotalk Start a conversation to end domestic violence. Find out more: follow @RefugeCharity & visit

How to start the conversation

It’s not easy to talk about domestic violence, but it could save a life. Two women a week are killed by a partner or ex-partner, and a further 30 women attempt suicide every day due to domestic violence. If you’re not sure how to bring up the subject with your friends and family, here are some questions that might make them think about how domestic violence affects the women in their life:
If there are questions you don’t know how to answer, visit to find out more.

Who to talk to

If you’re struggling to think of 16 different people to start the conversation with, here are some suggestions:
  • best friend
  • partner or spouse
  • mum or dad
  • manager at work
  • male friend
  • sister or brother
  • cousin
  • niece or nephew
  • friend on Facebook
  • grandmother or grandfather
  • work colleague
  • hairdresser
  • friend from school
  • daughter or son
  • friend you folllow on Twitter
  • three of your female friends – statistically, one of the four you is likely to experience domestic violence at some point in your lives

We need to talk. Start a conversation to end domestic violence from 25th November to 10th December.

For all the latest news from Refuge, follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook.

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I love it when people leave a message