
Saturday, 19 November 2011

Something for the Weekend

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This is a slightly different post from normal as I took up a PR offer from Tots 100 from to make a video showing how discreet their parcels are! So this will be my first ever video blog post (so apologies for my film and editing skills...).

So if you are nervous about ordering yourself or someone else something from  you can see how discreet it all is. I even had to collect my parcel from the sorting office at the Post Office and so was very relieved that there was nothing on the packaging to indicate the contents. Apparently the company uses a fake name for all credit and debit card transactions so nothing shows up on bank statements or credit card bills either. So you can be assured that only you and the company will know what you have bought.

And this is what was in the parcel... Question is dare I try it ;-)

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