
Wednesday, 7 September 2011

#TheGallery: Shoes

I've missed a few of Tara's prompts whilst away on holiday so I'm looking forward to having a crack at this one! She wants us to take a look at shoes and show them in our photographs this week. So here are my contributions:

These boots are made for walking!

These are the boots of my family after a summer hike on the shores of Windermere. From bottom to top (clockwise) myself, my son, my mum, my daughter and my dad. I have to say that my kids boots are lot more fun and colourful than our boring adult ones! My boots must be well over 15 years old and I do wonder where I have walked wearing them... As a child I was taken on family hiking holidays staying in Youth Hostels and aged 7 walked up Ben Nevis. We are trying to get my children into hiking now that we live in such a fabulous part of the country for the great outdoors.

Big girl shoes
As my daughter is approaching her 8th birthday I thought it was high time she learnt how to do laces! So this holiday when I got her new trainers I made sure that they had laces on them. It only took a day for her to get it and this is her proudly showing off her first successful self lacing. I'm sure as a child that we learnt to do laces a lot sooner as we didn't have all the velcro fastenings modern children have? Any way I'm proud of her quickly mastering this important life skill and hope she can now do up her own hiking boots!

Please pop over to Tara's site to see all the other fabulous entries in this week's gallery.


  1. I still remember the achievement of learning to tie laces, it's such a shame all the velcro, love laces. Nice trainers too

  2. You live in my favourite place in the UK for walking! Oh how fortunate you are and fabulous to be a walking family too :) I walked heaps growing up - in Wales, the Peaks, the Lakes, Devon... happy memories indeed. Walking taught me so much as a child about persevering, pacing myself, looking out for others and encouraging them, looking inside for extra reserve and strength when I felt like giving up... it's a whole new ball game now I'm a parent and doing all the encouraging :) Won't be too long before the young'uns are racing ahead to the top of the mountain leaving us old folk for dust though! x

  3. I somehow missed the bit in my childhood where I should have learned to tie shoe laces - I was 16 and working in a shoe shop before I mastered the technique (very quickly to minimise embarrassment!)

  4. So looking forward to when my children can go on proper walks wit the necessity for walking boots! Lovely pics x

  5. Hi,

    New follower from the blog hop please come follow me back :)

  6. Walking is great and boots are essential.
    You are of course in one of the best walking palces in the world.

  7. i love going on really long walks, but have never bought a pair of proper walking boots so end up with very sore feet! think i may have to invest in some :)

  8. I love going on long walks and it's great that your whole family goes! New follower from the wild wednesday hop, have a great rest of your week! You can find me at

  9. Ooh I am in need of hiking boots for a Red Cross Weekend I'm attending in a couple of weeks and have no idea where to start!


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