
Thursday, 29 September 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful XXIV (#R2BC)

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

Always a good way to spend my Thursday counting my blessings so thanks once again Michelle. Now its going to be an easy place to start this week:

1) Summer's finally here

OK well its strictly Autumn but we didn't get much of a summer up here in Cumbria. We were teased by a fabulous Easter and then some hot weather in May but the main summer holidays weren't fantastic! I am so glad I hadn't got around to packing away my summer clothes and I'm making the most of the sun whilst it lasts (though remembering to apply sun tan cream is a good idea!).

Sunflowers still going strong

2) The house

It may seem like a silly thing but the fact that the laundry isn't hanging around for days drying is making the house a lot less crowded. By doing a load a day (or even 3 yesterday!) and getting them on the line and getting them away the same day it seems a lot more manageable. The space now in the kitchen means that I've been able to get to the under stairs cupboard enough to sort out and can now shut the door!

3) My children

They both still seem happy in their new classes at school. My son is still keen on getting in to class in the morning. I had a lovely afternoon volunteering in his class when they go to Forest School. They go up to the top of the school grounds and have lots of fun in the little woodland and the open spaces. I'm looking forward to doing this every week. My daughter seems to be doing especially well in science and history (her favourite subjects!) and is looking forward to her first overnight school trip next week. She has planned her birthday sleep over for the following week down to the finest detail!

4) Kendal Passion Play

Last night I went with the children to the launch of A Passion For Kendal by Kendal Community Theatre. This is an exciting project that I am running the social media campaign for. My daughter was impressed on meeting his Worship the Mayor of Kendal:


  1. It is a bit of wonderful weather we are having, I am doing the same, washing many things and getting htem out on the line!
    I am pleased to see its not only my daughters that love to go round with bare feet ;)
    Hope it all takes off really well for you all x

  2. bod for tea has left a new comment on your post "Reasons to be Cheerful XXIV (#R2BC)":

    Those sunflowers are magnificent! Lots of comments about the weather on #R2BC this week :D Looks like your daughter is about to curtsey, so cute!

  3. Oh yes, the heatwave is lovely. Well done on the volunteering and community involvement. Great photo of your little one and the bigwig.

  4. I should really follow your example with the washing thing. I hate having it hanging everywhere but if I leave it for 2 days it's a nightmare!

  5. I am with you on the simple thing of getting the washing dry!

    Your sunflowers look wonderful too!


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