
Wednesday, 29 June 2011

#TheGallery: My Weekend

The lovely Tara reckons she has set us an easy challenge this week with My Weekend. Mine wasn't as exciting as all of those lucky bloggers going to Cybermummy11 but here's what we got up to:

1) Selling books

We spent most of Saturday at Dean Gibson school sheltering from the rain selling Usborne Books:

part of my display

2) Post box chasing

I finally added the Victorian post box to my collection:

how many times can I get this on my blog!

3) Had a PJ day on Sunday being silly

mask she painted day before

4) Ate popcorn and watched lots of movies:

they didn't leave much for me...
If you click on the camera logo at the top you can see what everyone else got up to this last weekend - probably a lot more exciting than mine ;-)


  1. Great photos! Love the mask and I love post boxes too...The old ones are the best! x

  2. Brilliant post - sounds like a very full and fun weekend.

  3. It's amazing the stuff you can cram into a weekend. I love your idea of collecting postboxes, is it a photo collection?

  4. Looks like you had a great weekend :)

  5. yes its a photographic collection! see my flickr feed for more ;-)

  6. Lots of family fun. If you look at some of those posts by the Cybermummy glitterati, you will see how glad they were to get home for some of that despite having a blast at CM
    I love the postbox


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